Fifty years of Occupation,
Shadow projection
And unofficial apartheid!
Doublethink and doublespeak
Distend: ballooning
Like psychic bubblegum;
Spinning ever wider
The fatal web
Of collective denial,
Complicity, complacency
And insensitivity;
Tongue-tying those souls
Who try to protest
Like the Trumpadors
And Brexiteers
Who would rather reign
In Hell
Than not at all,
Our guileful official leaders
Market the myth
Of eating the Apple
And leaving it too.
As do those
Of the Palestinian bantustan.
So where’s the Palestinian
Where the Israeli
De Klerk?
Imprisoned, no doubt,
Or exiled:
The former literally,
The latter virtually.
For, like Hamas,
Settlers of the wild West Bank –
Many of them American –
Have effectively hijacked
The body politic
And, whilst the PM
Trains the world’s attention
On Iran,
These would-be Sadducees
With their Christian allies
Pave the way
For a Third Temple
And theocratic rule.
Where the Israeli
De Klerk?
Imprisoned, no doubt,
Or exiled:
The former literally,
The latter virtually.
For, like Hamas,
Settlers of the wild West Bank –
Many of them American –
Have effectively hijacked
The body politic
And, whilst the PM
Trains the world’s attention
On Iran,
These would-be Sadducees
With their Christian allies
Pave the way
For a Third Temple
And theocratic rule.
Meantime I dread
The mindless jubilation
And black despair
That will accompany
The countdown
To “Jerusalem Day”.
29 March 2017