“When Pharisee himself he called,
Was Saul by certain Jews appalled
For naming Yeshu ‘Son of Man’,
Who soon would come with master plan
To rule the world on God’s behalf
And with his friends sort wheat from chaff.
“Though doubtless God all means could use,
Saul felt He wouldn’t Yeshu choose:
This Hasid surely had downplayed
The Law, which God Himself had made.
And yet the man had loved the Lord,
Endorsed the ploughshare not the sword;
“Moreover, that some deemed he’d risen
From death and from the earthy prison
Of flesh – which Saul in truth despised,
Not least because the Soul he prized –
The thought began to wrack Saul’s mind
That he himself was sorely blind.
“This caused a crisis in his ‘soul’,
When persecution was the goal,
Till suddenly – I must propose –
Inside his mind the Self arose.
The form it took and he projected
Was him whose dream he had rejected.
“By ‘Self’ I mean the ark-like core
Within the psyche — thus the door
Through which the Lord reveals to man
Potential ‘wholeness’ and that plan
Those ‘Christians’ thought was still above,
Concerning justice, truth, and love.
“The image that on Saul now shone
Till then was termed ‘Ad?m Kadm?n’.
This archetypal ‘Man’, some felt,
Within God’s mind had always dwelt
And, like ‘he’d’ done in Eden prior,
Would incarnate – as The Messiah.
“This ‘Son of God’, in being ‘whole’,
Comprised both male and female ‘soul’.
Thus ‘he’ in ‘Christ’ was well reflected,
When Self on Yeshu was projected:
For Saul had fancied all along
This healer’s female side was strong.
“No sooner than it had been born
The outward image had withdrawn.
‘Apostle Paul’ thenceforth imparted
‘Christ’ dwelt within the faithful-hearted
And was as Saviour, Lord, and Muse
The living gospel, or good news.
“Thus the apocalyptic trend,
Which sanctions earth’s horrific end,
That in the Christian Myth’s enclosed
Is by Paul’s loving thought deposed,
Enabling folk to stay the course
In God’s dear world, still marred by force.
“But here’s the rub! Most folk today
Cannot within this mind-set stay:
For myth to them is just a lie,
And ‘Science’ to all they must apply.
So, to prevent Paul’s truth’s rejection,
You should expose his great projection.”
16 April 1998