The prophet is an individual
Who sadly sacrifices his own balance
In order to restore his society’s.
As regards this noble aim he mostly fails.
In short, concerning masses, the Eastern sage
And neo-gnostic Jungian – if not
Indeed the Christian anchorite – know best:
The single mind alone discovers truth.
By integrating opposites within,
And thus uniting aspects which divide,
The individuated one meets Self
(Whose core contains the Soul – the image of God)
And sees for sure that all God’s work is Good.
But still the prophet should be duly heard,
For he better than others understands
That wholeness and transcendence here are terms
Describing relative conditions of mortal men,
Who, in between their contacts with the One,
Are bound by good and evil nonetheless
And need each other’s empathy and love.
16 November 1994